Nut. Cover. Retainer. Bumper. (Front, Rear, Lower)

Part Number: 9018306019
Supersession(s): 90183-06019

A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Brake Cooling Duct. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Bumper Cover Heat Shield. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Stone Deflector. Back Up Light Assembly Nut. Bumper Cover Reinforcement Nut. Bumper Cover Support Rail Nut. Bumper Extension Nut. Fog Light Nut. Mud Flap Grommet. Mud Flap Nut. Mud Guard Nut. Nut that secures the grille. Nut to secure Bumper Cover. Radiator Support Splash Shield Nut. Rocker Panel Molding Nut. Side Body Trim Protector Nut. Spoiler Nut. Valance Panel Nut. Included with: Bumper Cover, Extension Panel, Fender liner, Front Spoiler, Inner Duct, Lamp Bracket, Lower Cover, Rear Spoiler, Rocker Molding, Side Cover, Side seal, Side Shield.

Grille NutFog Light NutValance Panel NutBumper Cover NutRadiator Support Splash Shield NutMud Flap GrommetBumper Cover Reinforcement NutBumper Extension NutFloor Pan Splash Shield NutSpoiler NutMud Flap NutMud Guard NutRocker Panel Molding NutSide Body Trim Protector NutBack Up Light Assembly NutStone Deflector NutBumper Cover Heat Shield NutBrake Air Duct Nut

#2. 1.8 LITER. 2 DOOR. 2.0 LITER. 2000-02. 2003-05. 2005-08. 2008-10. 2010-12. 2010-13. 2010-13, #2. 2011-13. 2013-15. 2020-21. 4 DOOR. HATCHBACK, #2. IS 250/350, 2006-10. Lower. SEDAN, 2.0 LITER. US BUILT. W/F SPORT. W/GS F. W/HYBRID. W/O HYBRID.

Diagram PILLARS. ROCKER & FLOOR. EXTERIOR TRIM. for your 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In
Required: 1
type 1. type 2. type 3. w/o Plug-in. w/Plug-in.
Left. Right. Rocker molding nut.

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$ 3.03 CAD

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